17. R.K. Blast’s Minifig Hogwarts Castle Build
Let’s take things down a peg. No, really, let’s minimize what’s going on over here as we bring you another Hogwarts Castle. Only this time, it’s as mini as you can get.
Lego Builder R.K. Blast put together this small scale model that’s big on detail, showcasing the entirety of Hogwarts castle, and the grounds surrounding it. This was apparently a project that was five years in the making! He says this project started in 2013, but wasn’t picked up again until he finished studying at university. Along the way, he’d purchase little Lego pieces here and there to add to the quickly growing piece.
It’s not only a micro-scaled model of Hogwarts, but we get to see a full landscape of where the school sits on the cliffside near the Great Lake. There’s even a mini Quidditch Pitch, and Hagrid’s Hut sitting outside the Forbidden Forest’s entrance. Since he watched the movies multiple times to get the most accurate architectural design as possible, the model is pretty close to what Hogwarts looked like in the final film. A tiny model like this makes one really appreciate just how many different Lego parts there are, and some that act as mere connectors can actually have many other uses.
Some commenters (and R.K. Blast himself) think the next angle is adding Hogsmeade and the Hogwarts Train Station as well, which remains a great possibility. In the meantime, he hopes the model can make its official debut at Brick Live 2017 in Birmingham, UK.