22. Watership Down
Premise of the movie: Watership Down is one of the saddest children’s movies of all time. The movie tells the story of Fiver and seven other rabbits, who leave their home after a vision of the end. They go in search for a new home, meeting obstacles and dangers along the way. Viewers are taken through the highs and lows of finding and creating a new warren, meeting new friends and enemies along the way.
Why it needs the Lego treatment: There have been many complaints from parents about Watership Down over the years. It’s viewed as a movie that would scare and traumatize children, despite being rated for them. It’s also already animated, making it clear that this is supposed to be for children.
Creating a Lego version would help to retell the story, without the guts and gore. It would help to add a lighter element, helping to keep children’s fears at bay. There is also the chance that the fate of some of the characters, such as Woundwort, could be shared. Lego has the ability to quickly cut to a character without distracting too much from the story.