This official image for The Last Jedi Lego has a lot to unpack (Photo)
By Josh Hill
Lego continues to tease The Last Jedi sets, with a new photo showing off not only their products but also hinting at story spoilers.
*Caution, there might be spoilers ahead. We don’t know anything about The Last Jedi but we’re going to speculate so just a heads up on that*
We are just months away from the release of the next Star Wars film, which means the Lego promotion leading up to it will be packed full of spoilers. The marketing of the Lego sets isn’t purposefully spoiler-centric but it also doesn’t shy away from stringing elements of the story into the campaigns. After all, how will these sets sell?
The benefit of this is that we can try to decipher the spoilers that hidden in plain sight with these promos, like easter eggs from a galaxy far, far away. An official image from Lego is making the rounds on the internet, highlighting the updated Lego figures and also some new spoilers.
Check out the leaked photo here.
The biggest thing to unpack here concerns the person who is seemingly using the force on a Resistance transport (or at least what looks like one). It appears that this is Rey, but since the character is facing away from us we can’t be sure. It’s also possible that this is Luke, in a scene mirroring the one in which he watched Yoda use the force to move a ship while he was being trained — just like Rey is in The Last Jedi.
We also see that “evil BB-8” or “First Order BB-8” is being pushed harder and harder as we approach the premiere of the film. What a wonderful little subplot this will be where we all sit in the theater and come together as an audience rooting for not Kylo Ren but evil BB-8 to find the light and join the good fight.
These Lego sets and promos tend to be unknowing spoilers to the world, but we will have to wait until December 15th to find out what it all really means.