02. Death Star – Part one
Of course, our final two is two different parts of the infamous Death Star. It’s known throughout the Lego community as being one of the best things to build, and you can certainly tell by all of the different versions.
This first part is the inside of it (click picture), with scenes from A New Hope. I don’t know how long it is, but the full picture gives you an idea that it’s definitely incredibly tall. What I like about this version is that it’s unique. It’s a version of the inside of the Death Star that you don’t normally see. Most people are so excited about making the large ball outside, or the famous laser, they don’t realize they have the inside, which is just as interesting as well! You can have so much more fun acting out things that happen in the Death Star!
Throughout our journey through Star Wars Legos, I’ve learned that I love circuitry. Give me a good Lego circuit board and I’ll put it on any list! This has the perfect circuits down at the bottom that follow all the way up to the black box right next to the yellow Lazor. I also love the two laser guns presumably to set up to kill someone. It is the Death Star, after all.
I also kind of love everyone chilling at the top. It’s just Darth Vader’s pad, right? Come check out his crib! Or…don’t. Probably, don’t.