20. Medical Fleet, how may we help you?
Do you ever see something and are just at a loss for words? Do you ever just stare at something for five minutes and wonder how did you make this, sorcerer? The force was definitely with this fan. They made the entire Medical Fleet, complete with other ships and shuttles soaring around. We have a great view of the back of it here, where we can see the amazing amount of legos it took to make the inside of the biggest spaceship, as well as the outside. My favorite part has to be the blue hubcap lights. They give it a real feel.
But let’s focus on the smaller parts. Look at the detail. This person made an entire fleet. They didn’t stop at the big gray spaceship which, in an of itself, is an awesome build. They decided that every fleet needs patients! So there’s X wing fighters and other fighters hanging out all around the ships. All you need to do is put this in Star Wars and who needs CGI?
The maker of this had this to say on Pinterest!
"Front view of the updated #medicalfrigate leading the fleet. The #millenniumfalcon in tow as always. Getting all the pods and details on the front “sword” correct took some time 🙂 Each pod serves a specific purpose – such as command centre or bacta storage."
Great job Julian! You have a future in Lego making!